Sunday, February 17, 2008

Bunco? (or... am I going nuts)

I went to worship this morning, my ritual life group, and then was invited to lunch and afternoon games with my dear friends. They had never seen Wii before or Guitar Hero. I luckily still had both in my car from Friday night. I showed them how to play it by battling Lou on medium (I've yet to polish off the 8th set on hard, "One" and "Raining Blood" manage to kick my butt). I also showed them Through the Fire and Flames on medium because, well I have yet to get through about 10% on hard. Yet another butt-kicking, that song. They had several turns at it, one of them (first song ever) did "One" on easy. I was impressed! I had to show them what expert looked like, so I polished off "Story of My Life" and showed them "Holiday in Cambodia." The intro to that song on expert just eats my lunch. I've heard after that it's much easier. One of my other friends showed them Zelda Twilight Princess (he's actually gotten farther than I have, and I'm the one who owns the game). But I digress.

Where was I.... oh yes. So after that, we turned to more traditional games. I was introduced to the game of Bunco. I'd heard of ladies out here in the Midwest having these huge Bunco nights. I had never heard of it before. I thought it was some card game or something. I enjoyed my first Bunco experience, although it was different rolling dice with my left hand in order to keep score with my right. I did get two Buncos, but I had a problem keeping the dice close to my hand to re-roll. The table surface made them easy to keep sliding all around.

Next we played Hearts. Hearts is a fun game, I'm a little partial to Pinochle, but Hearts is close enough. We played with five, and pulling two 2's out of the deck so we had an even 10 cards each. I did ok, but I did get stuck with the mean Queenie twice.

It's 9pm and I feel like it's 11pm. I'm glad I have a holiday tomorrow. I hope to catch up on some things I've been neglecting. I cleaned, did laundry on Saturday, so it'll be all paperwork tomorrow. Stay home, keep warm. Hopefully Spring comes soon...

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